Friday the 13th savini jason pps4
Friday the 13th savini jason pps4

friday the 13th savini jason pps4

Thank goodness we ditched that potato sack for an actual mask. Strengths: Can Run/Weapon Strength/Grip Strength If played the right way, Part 2 Jason can be a deadly force to be reckoned with. He does happen to be affected with Stun easier, as his Defense score isn’t great, but he makes up for it with his insane amount of Traps and incredible Morph chance. However, his excellent Morph allows him to counteract the Shift by being able to control the map well. Shift is the weakest area when it comes to Part 2 Jason. His incredible Morph also allows him to navigate to where he needs to go on the map, giving him complete map control. Along with this, he has a significant number of Traps to scatter around the map, making it harder for counselors to complete necessary Objectives. His Can Run ability makes him essential when it comes to chasing down counselors. Many gamers are split down the middle between Part 2 being a good or bad Jason. Kicking off the mid-tier list is perhaps the most controversial Jason in the game. Still, with his weak Shift and sad display of Traps, especially with weak Water Speed if the boat is repaired, he’s best to be avoided for a Jason with much better strengths. However, as mentioned before, his Can Run ability makes it a lot easier to catch up to counselors that are dashing toward the exit while low on stamina. His Shift takes so long to cool down after it’s been used that running will seem pointless since counselors will have plenty of time to run away while he’s cooling. However, his Shift and limited Traps combination is one of the worst duos to have. Most people enjoy this Jason solely for the Weapon Strength and Destruction, meaning that he will unleash holy hell on counselors when he catches up with them. Strengths: Can Run/Weapon Strength/Destruction The Less Hit Points disadvantage will make him a target when it comes to players who love to kill Jason (and there are lots of them.) Avoid him for a better Jason. Still, his inability to set lots of Traps on the map will hinder him as experienced players will simply work around this.

friday the 13th savini jason pps4

On the other hand, his Shift and Stalk combination is quite impressive and can be useful when it comes to catching speedy counselors. Without his ability to run after counselors and set sneaky traps all over the map, he’s a horrible choice. Less Hit Points is pretty much a guarantee that his mask will quickly be knocked off and he will easily be killed. Combine that with Can’t Run, and you’re gifting other players the exit gates to escape.

friday the 13th savini jason pps4

Like Part 7, he’s very limited when it comes to Traps. Sadly, one of the coolest-looking Jasons sits near the bottom of the list. Weaknesses: Can’t Run/Less Hit Points/Traps Avoid him unless you’re absolutely desperate. Lastly, Grip Strength is useless if you can’t even run to catch up with the counselors. His Sense ability is one of the best, but it doesn’t save him from the disaster that he is. Sometimes they do use it to cross over to the other side of the map quicker, but it’s essentially useless. Water Speed is pointless most of the time, seeing as counselors don’t spend much of their time in the water unless they’re escaping in the boat, but that doesn’t happen as often as other ways of escape. In recent patches, his Shift ability has improved but still doesn’t warrant enough to select him. He’s limited to only 3 Traps and has weak map control. His inability to run makes it harder to catch counselors, especially ones with fast feet such as Chad and Vanessa. Strengths: Sense/Water Speed/Grip Strength Here’s a guide for every Jason to help you slaughter the counselors on YOUR camp.Īnd don’t forget, Mother is watching! RANKINGS

Friday the 13th savini jason pps4 how to#

Knowledge of his key strengths and weaknesses will give you a better understanding of how to utilize him. Little did they know that one day they would have the chance of actually controlling Jason! Of course, with control of Jason comes great responsibility. For four decades, Friday the 13th fans have been enamored with the legend of Jason Vorhees.

Friday the 13th savini jason pps4